Fri 30 May - Sat 31 May

This is not a coming out story, it is not a gay tragedy, and it is not porn. It is life through the lens of a queer young man, navigating masculinity, Grindr and institution that is rife with shame; doing it all with a sensational soundtrack and a hearty dose of laughter.

Meet Johnny. 18 and in his final year at boarding school. He ambles through daily life, Britney in his ears, a flaming homosexual who fails miserably to fit into the school’s (rather rigid) mould. He daydreams of being a gay tragedy - but he even fails at that. Enter Harry, a confident, charming, rugby lad.

To save time, trepidation and a tired queer-baiting narrative - Johnny and Harry shag. All. The. Time.

Directed by Meg Bowron and Josh Stainer and Produced by Lizzie Hawke

Presented by
Choir Boy Productions



£15 Standard / £13 Concession (10% discount for members)


60 minutes, no interval



Content warnings

Strong language, contains potentially triggering homophobic themes


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