Fri 16 May

Step into the surreal world of Jay Farley, a neurodiverse filmmaker and poet, as they unravel the intersections of gender, class, and identity through a raw and cinematic lens.

A [Cupboard] Full of Tomboys is a compelling collection that takes us through the journey of an older, working-class non binary individual, confronting the limitations of labels and embracing the fluidity of self.

This immersive performance challenges conventional binaries, unlocking the transformative power of language to validate existence and spark the freedom of expression.

With unapologetic authenticity, Jay Farley's words draw us from the cramped, metaphorical confines of a cupboard into a bold, expansive exploration of queer identity.

Come witness poetry that defies the rules, celebrates the complexities of lived experience, and invites you to question, celebrate, and redefine your own truths. This is a night of raw, unapologetic self-expression, where authenticity reigns, and fluidity is free to flourish.

Their debut book of poetry A [Cupboard] Full of Tomboys was created under the mentorship of T.S. Elliot Award winning Joelle Taylor and published by Broken Sleep Books.

This event takes place at Oyez Arts in Altrincham Town Hall, Altrincham.

  “This book is a bursting open of closet doors, a superb non binary encyclopaedia, more vital ammunition for the queer canon.” —  Joelle Taylor
  “Dazzling, sprawling, gasping — these changeling poems fly at us, each a carnival rooted in poetry’s sense of creation and revolution. At their heart is an astonishing polyvocal experiment; a swirling crown that dares us to listen to “the sea inside” and the hidden geometries of worlds that land as softly as dandelion seeds, as powerfully as hurricanes.” —  Andre Bagoo
  “A fast-moving stream of brilliance singing with the rhythms of Liverpool's streets and the heart-strings of explosively lived experience.” —  Chris McCabe


  • Fri 16 May '25 19:00



£8 Standard / £5 Concession

More information

This event takes place at Oyez Arts, Town Hall, 25 Market St, Altrincham WA14 1PF

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