Sat 18 Jan - Sat 22 Feb

A mixed media showcase drawing on the period of research and development that Company Four undertook in the creation of their theatre production of the same name.

Using spoken word, verbatim, movement, projection, live music and puppetry, the company explore the world of Postpartum Psychosis, which affects around 2 in every 1000 mothers. Inspired by one of the artist’s ancestors, Company Four delve into Mary Ann Barker's story, who, in 1900 suffered Postpartum Psychosis after the birth of her son, Jack (brought to life as a Bunraku puppet). Alongside this, with support from Action on Postpartum Psychosis, the stage show and exhibition explore modern stories of mothers who have lived experience of this still stigmatised mental illness and shed light on the work of those who seek to raise awareness and encourage more open conversations about maternal mental health.


Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00


Free entry


Gallery '74

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