Unapologetically Other Workshops

Creative Industries Trafford presents

Unapologetically Other Workshops SAT 5 OCT



As part of the exhibition at Waterside’s Gallery 74, Unapologetically Other, two members of the Mixed Rage Collective will run an afternoon of creativity, drawing inspiration from this mixed media exhibition.

Unapologetically Other tells of collective members Sherrie Edgar, Sevonah Golabi, Sina Leasuasu, Niall Singh and Jane Thakoordin's lived experiences of being mixed heritage. The artworks on display act as both a celebration of mixed cultures, whilst also prompting visitors to consider the effects of 'othering', lack of representation, daily micro-aggressions and displacement of mixed heritage people.

Two sessions will be available between 1pm and 4pm by collage artist Niall Singh and textile artist Jane Thakoordin, join one or both. The workshops will be run on a pay what you can basis.

"Say It Loud, Say It Clear!" with Jane Thakoordin

Mini banner making for the people! Come and express yourself through fabric, making a mini banner that tells the world what matters to you

Make a miniature collage with Niall Singh

Using photomontage/collage create an artwork using old encyclopedias and national geographic magazines to play with scale and found image

For more information and to book a place, contact Michelle Keeling on [email protected]


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